A procedure of pumping cement-based, polyurethane-based, epoxy-based or acrylate-based material into damaged or cracked structures to securely seal leaks, repair compromised structures and make them watertight again for the long term.


  • Help avoid expensive costs of structural repairs and reduce operational downtime.
  • Can be used for all types of leak-sealing applications in concrete, masonry and natural stone structures.
  • Are able to form a new permanent watertight seal.
  • Can be used at any time, including during initial construction or later to extend the service life during any subsequent repair or renovation, depending on the project’s specific requirements.

Area of Application:

  • Leaking Crack/Penetrations Dry and/or containing water
  • Leaking Expansion Joints (movement) and Construction/Daywork Joints (non-moving)
  • Leaking Wall


Concrete needs to be maintained. It is affected by the stresses and strains of everyday life. Repair and renovation of concrete buildings and infrastructure is an important process – it helps us to provide a sustainable approach to building – prolonging the life of a structure and preventing demolition and reconstruction. The choice of the appropriate rehabilitation strategy, based on the root cause of concrete failure, can also significantly improve the overall performance of a structure. Deterioration of concrete may happen due to Chemical degradation, corrossion of reinfomrcement steel, mechanical attack, thermal movements/shrinakge/abrasion/wear, poor construction/design faults/lack of maintenance, water infiltration, seismic activity or a multitude of other reasons.

Areas of Application:

For exposed roof waterproofing solutions, in both new construction and refurbishment projects.


  • Cost effective solution
  • High build mortars
  • Strong adhesion
  • Smooth finishing


Concrete drilling is a specialised service offered by concrete cutting companies. A cylinder of concrete material or a core is removed with a concrete drill. Diamond core drills are the most effective tools to use when core drilling concrete.

To ensure that everything goes smoothly, take heed of these prerequisites.

  • Proper detailing
  • Suitable preparation
  • Hardness of Material
  • Cost of Material
  • Density & Geometry of Material
  • Thickness of Material

Area of Application:

  • Recessed lighting and fixtures
  • Cutting walls, floor slabs, and ceilings for plumbing, HVAC, cabling, electrical, and communication services
  • Analyse concrete samples
  • Roadway holes for doweling drilling, drainage, etc.
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